word number of its repetition word number of its repetition
Al-Hayat (Life) 145 Al-Maout (Death) 145
Al-Mala'ikah (Angles) 88 Al-Shayateen (Satan) 88
Al-Rajul (Man) 24 Al-Mar'ha (Woman) 24
Al-Salihat (Righteous deeds) 167 Al-Sayi'at (Evil deeds) 167
Al-Dunya (This World) 115 Al-Akhira (The Hereafter) 115
Al-Yisr (Facility, Relief) 36 Al-'Usr (Difficulty) 12
Al-Abraar (The Righteous) 6 Al-Fujjaar (The Wicked) 3
Al-Jahr (Saying Aloud) 16 Al-'Alaniyah (in public) 16
Al-Mahabbah (Love) 83 Al-Ta'ah (Obedience) 83
Al-Huda (Right Guidance) 79 Al-Rahma (Mercy) 79
Al-Salaam (Peace) 50 Al-Tayibaat (Delicacies) 50
Al-Shiddah (Hardship) 102 Al-Sabr (Patience) 102
Al-Musibah (Disaster) 75 Al-Shukr (Thank) 75
Iblees (Satan/Lucifer) 11 Al-Isti'azah Billah (seek God's refugee) 11
Al-Jazaa' (Reward) 117 Al-Maghfirah (Forgiveness) 234 (117*2)
Al-Shahr (Month) 12 Al-Yahom (Day) 365
Al-bahar (Sea) 32 Al-bar (Land)13 same sea/land ratio.