Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Contradictions In The Quran: The Sun And The Moon Are Subjects?

Question: "And He has made subject to you the sun and the moon, both diligently persuing their courses; and the night and the day has He (also) made subject to you. --" Sura 14:33
They were never subject to me. They take their turn and pursue their courses whether they want or not. Rather mankind is subject to them. Although the invention of electricity has changed much of this "being subject" to them. But though we can "locally" make night into day and day into night because of our modern technology, sun and moon are not influenced by us at all.
Answer: another example of inaccurate translation, the verb in arabic "sakher" does not mean subject to you but as a serving favor to you. You get the lights of the Sun and Moons but you do not turn them off like electricity. The later is really subjected to us.
14:33 And He hath made subject to you the sun and the moon, both diligently pursuing their courses; and the night and the day hath he (also) made subject to you.
وَسَخَّر لَكُمُ الشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ دَآئِبَينَ وَسَخَّرَ لَكُمُ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَارَ
14:34 And He giveth you of all that ye ask for. But if ye count the favours of Allah, never will ye be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude.
وَآتَاكُم مِّن كُلِّ مَا سَأَلْتُمُوهُ وَإِن تَعُدُّواْ نِعْمَتَ اللّهِ لاَ تُحْصُوهَا إِنَّ الإِنسَانَ لَظَلُومٌ كَفَّارٌ