Thursday, March 31, 2005

Patriot Act: How far can they go?

I am an Arab American Doctor. I have no connection with any political group in USA or any where in the world. I am free minded and love free speech. I found out I am under the surveillance of the American Government which is O.K with me I have nothing to hide. I actually made an excellent plan to the American people (Taman Health Plan) that takes care of Social security, Medicare, Medicaid and Health Care that save Americans billions of dollars. The American Government has blocked me from getting this plan out to the American people. The thing made me angry is they invited one of my relatives few months ago to their offices to show him a medical record for a patient I was involved in a medico-legal law suit trying to convince him I am a fraudulent doctor. I already was investigated for that by another branch of the American government and they unanimously found me with no unprofessional medical conduct in 2003. I do not know how far can they go with the patriot act?.
Maged Taman.